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Worship Dance Projects and Classes

I teach a variety of Worship Dance and Movement Classes including a Worship Dance Course & Workshops, Messianic Circle Dance and Psalms & Stretches. Discover more below. 

Crowned With Love Dance Ministry

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Crowned with Love Dance Ministry facilitates the expression of worship through movement and dance. Inviting people into deeper intimacy in their relationship with the Lord, greater healing and a fuller revelation of their true identity in God.

Workshops mainly focus on Expressive Movement as Worship, but also interweave elements of scripture, poetry and art. 


Click here to register your interest and receive a first taster session for free.



Psalms & Stretches
Where Well-being meets Worship

Psalms & Stretches is a gentle, exercise class combining movement with meditation on scripture from the book of Psalms.


Psalms & Stretches is a great way to stretch the body and meditate on the Word of God, whilst at the same time embodying the words, thus praying through the Psalm with our whole selves.


Classes take place Online on Zoom. First class is a Free Taster.



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   Dance for Children

I offer Worship Dance Workshops to Children, providing opportunities for them to connect to God through dance. These workshops include exploring themes from the bible through movement and simple Messianic circle dances. I also teach Creative Dance and Improvisation Classes to children in the community, encouraging them to discover their own unique movement expression. 


Messianic Circle Dance 

Messianic Circle Dance is similar to Israeli circle dance but with an emphasis on Worship. These dances offer a joyful experience of community and are a wonderful way to worship the Lord together. 


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Israeli Dance Experiences for Christian Tour Groups in Israel 

An Israeli Dance Experience offers Israeli folk dance/Messianic circle dance sessions to Christian Tourists as part of an Israeli tour.  
Connecting Christian tourists culturally to Israel through the arts, as well as spiritually to their Christian faith through worshipping in the land.

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